将气象数据转为metgrid.exe可以读取的中间格式有两种方法,一种为使用NCL或者Fortran直接写出:该方法我在博客NCL撰写WPS intermediate file添加海冰场中有所介绍,这里介绍另一种方法:撰写Vtable文件,再使用ungrib.exe对其解码,得到中间文件。
ungrib,exe是通过链接Vtable文件,知道需要解码的GRIB文件格式、变量信息,对其解码,也就是对应我们的ln -sf ungrib/Variable_Tables/Vtable.** Vtable
#!/usr/bin/env csh
set pswd = $1
if(x$pswd == x && `env | grep RDAPSWD` != '') then
set pswd = $RDAPSWD
if(x$pswd == x) then
echo Usage: $0 YourPassword
exit 1
set v = `wget -V |grep 'GNU Wget ' | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
set a = `echo $v | cut -d '.' -f 1`
set b = `echo $v | cut -d '.' -f 2`
if(100 * $a + $b > 109) then
set opt = 'wget --no-check-certificate'
set opt = 'wget'
set opt1 = '-O Authentication.log --save-cookies auth.rda_ucar_edu --post-data'
set opt2 = "email=youremail&passwd=$pswd&action=login"
$opt $opt1="$opt2" https://rda.ucar.edu/cgi-bin/login
if ( $status == 6 ) then
echo 'Please check that your password is correct.'
echo "Usage: $0 YourPassword"
exit 1
set opt1 = "-N --load-cookies auth.rda_ucar_edu"
set opt2 = "$opt $opt1 https://rda.ucar.edu"
set filelist= ( /data/ds628.0/anl_land125/2022/anl_land125.225_soilw.2022120100_2022123118
while($#filelist > 0)
set syscmd = "$opt2$filelist[1]"
echo "$syscmd ..."
shift filelist
由于JRA55都是GRIB1格式,直接用g1print,exe打印以下就是了:./g1print.exe /JRA55/land/anl_land125.065_snwe.2020090100_2020093018
Fortran Unit = 0
UNIX File descriptor: 3
rec GRIB GRIB Lvl Lvl Lvl Time Fcst
Num Code name Code one two hour
1 65 1 0 0 2020-09-01_00:00 + 00
2 65 1 0 0 2020-09-01_06:00 + 00
3 65 1 0 0 2020-09-01_12:00 + 00
4 65 1 0 0 2020-09-01_18:00 + 00
5 65 1 0 0 2020-09-02_00:00 + 00
6 65 1 0 0 2020-09-02_06:00 + 00
7 65 1 0 0 2020-09-02_12:00 + 00
8 65 1 0 0 2020-09-02_18:00 + 00
9 65 1 0 0 2020-09-03_00:00 + 00
10 65 1 0 0 2020-09-03_06:00 + 00
11 65 1 0 0 2020-09-03_12:00 + 00
12 65 1 0 0 2020-09-03_18:00 + 00
13 65 1 0 0 2020-09-04_00:00 + 00
14 65 1 0 0 2020-09-04_06:00 + 00
15 65 1 0 0 2020-09-04_12:00 + 00
16 65 1 0 0 2020-09-04_18:00 + 00
17 65 1 0 0 2020-09-05_00:00 + 00
18 65 1 0 0 2020-09-05_06:00 + 00
19 65 1 0 0 2020-09-05_12:00 + 00
20 65 1 0 0 2020-09-05_18:00 + 00
21 65 1 0 0 2020-09-06_00:00 + 00
22 65 1 0 0 2020-09-06_06:00 + 00
23 65 1 0 0 2020-09-06_12:00 + 00
24 65 1 0 0 2020-09-06_18:00 + 00
25 65 1 0 0 2020-09-07_00:00 + 00
26 65 1 0 0 2020-09-07_06:00 + 00
27 65 1 0 0 2020-09-07_12:00 + 00
28 65 1 0 0 2020-09-07_18:00 + 00
29 65 1 0 0 2020-09-08_00:00 + 00
30 65 1 0 0 2020-09-08_06:00 + 00
31 65 1 0 0 2020-09-08_12:00 + 00
32 65 1 0 0 2020-09-08_18:00 + 00
33 65 1 0 0 2020-09-09_00:00 + 00
34 65 1 0 0 2020-09-09_06:00 + 00
35 65 1 0 0 2020-09-09_12:00 + 00
36 65 1 0 0 2020-09-09_18:00 + 00
37 65 1 0 0 2020-09-10_00:00 + 00
38 65 1 0 0 2020-09-10_06:00 + 00
39 65 1 0 0 2020-09-10_12:00 + 00
40 65 1 0 0 2020-09-10_18:00 + 00
41 65 1 0 0 2020-09-11_00:00 + 00
42 65 1 0 0 2020-09-11_06:00 + 00
43 65 1 0 0 2020-09-11_12:00 + 00
44 65 1 0 0 2020-09-11_18:00 + 00
45 65 1 0 0 2020-09-12_00:00 + 00
46 65 1 0 0 2020-09-12_06:00 + 00
47 65 1 0 0 2020-09-12_12:00 + 00
48 65 1 0 0 2020-09-12_18:00 + 00
49 65 1 0 0 2020-09-13_00:00 + 00
50 65 1 0 0 2020-09-13_06:00 + 00
51 65 1 0 0 2020-09-13_12:00 + 00
52 65 1 0 0 2020-09-13_18:00 + 00
53 65 1 0 0 2020-09-14_00:00 + 00
54 65 1 0 0 2020-09-14_06:00 + 00
55 65 1 0 0 2020-09-14_12:00 + 00
56 65 1 0 0 2020-09-14_18:00 + 00
57 65 1 0 0 2020-09-15_00:00 + 00
58 65 1 0 0 2020-09-15_06:00 + 00
59 65 1 0 0 2020-09-15_12:00 + 00
60 65 1 0 0 2020-09-15_18:00 + 00
61 65 1 0 0 2020-09-16_00:00 + 00
62 65 1 0 0 2020-09-16_06:00 + 00
63 65 1 0 0 2020-09-16_12:00 + 00
64 65 1 0 0 2020-09-16_18:00 + 00
65 65 1 0 0 2020-09-17_00:00 + 00
66 65 1 0 0 2020-09-17_06:00 + 00
67 65 1 0 0 2020-09-17_12:00 + 00
68 65 1 0 0 2020-09-17_18:00 + 00
69 65 1 0 0 2020-09-18_00:00 + 00
70 65 1 0 0 2020-09-18_06:00 + 00
71 65 1 0 0 2020-09-18_12:00 + 00
72 65 1 0 0 2020-09-18_18:00 + 00
73 65 1 0 0 2020-09-19_00:00 + 00
74 65 1 0 0 2020-09-19_06:00 + 00
75 65 1 0 0 2020-09-19_12:00 + 00
76 65 1 0 0 2020-09-19_18:00 + 00
77 65 1 0 0 2020-09-20_00:00 + 00
78 65 1 0 0 2020-09-20_06:00 + 00
79 65 1 0 0 2020-09-20_12:00 + 00
80 65 1 0 0 2020-09-20_18:00 + 00
81 65 1 0 0 2020-09-21_00:00 + 00
82 65 1 0 0 2020-09-21_06:00 + 00
83 65 1 0 0 2020-09-21_12:00 + 00
84 65 1 0 0 2020-09-21_18:00 + 00
85 65 1 0 0 2020-09-22_00:00 + 00
86 65 1 0 0 2020-09-22_06:00 + 00
87 65 1 0 0 2020-09-22_12:00 + 00
88 65 1 0 0 2020-09-22_18:00 + 00
89 65 1 0 0 2020-09-23_00:00 + 00
90 65 1 0 0 2020-09-23_06:00 + 00
91 65 1 0 0 2020-09-23_12:00 + 00
92 65 1 0 0 2020-09-23_18:00 + 00
93 65 1 0 0 2020-09-24_00:00 + 00
94 65 1 0 0 2020-09-24_06:00 + 00
95 65 1 0 0 2020-09-24_12:00 + 00
96 65 1 0 0 2020-09-24_18:00 + 00
97 65 1 0 0 2020-09-25_00:00 + 00
98 65 1 0 0 2020-09-25_06:00 + 00
99 65 1 0 0 2020-09-25_12:00 + 00
100 65 1 0 0 2020-09-25_18:00 + 00
101 65 1 0 0 2020-09-26_00:00 + 00
102 65 1 0 0 2020-09-26_06:00 + 00
103 65 1 0 0 2020-09-26_12:00 + 00
104 65 1 0 0 2020-09-26_18:00 + 00
105 65 1 0 0 2020-09-27_00:00 + 00
106 65 1 0 0 2020-09-27_06:00 + 00
107 65 1 0 0 2020-09-27_12:00 + 00
108 65 1 0 0 2020-09-27_18:00 + 00
109 65 1 0 0 2020-09-28_00:00 + 00
110 65 1 0 0 2020-09-28_06:00 + 00
111 65 1 0 0 2020-09-28_12:00 + 00
112 65 1 0 0 2020-09-28_18:00 + 00
113 65 1 0 0 2020-09-29_00:00 + 00
114 65 1 0 0 2020-09-29_06:00 + 00
115 65 1 0 0 2020-09-29_12:00 + 00
116 65 1 0 0 2020-09-29_18:00 + 00
117 65 1 0 0 2020-09-30_00:00 + 00
118 65 1 0 0 2020-09-30_06:00 + 00
119 65 1 0 0 2020-09-30_12:00 + 00
120 65 1 0 0 2020-09-30_18:00 + 00
***** End-Of-File on C unit 3
这样GRIB code和LEV code都有啦,开始写Vtable吧!
GRIB | Level| Level| Level| metgrid | metgrid | metgrid |
Code | Code | 1 | 2 | Name | Units | Description |
65 | 1 | 0 | | SNOW | kg m-2 |Water Equivalent of Accumulated Snow Depth|
66 | 1 | 0 | | SNOWH | m | Physical Snow Depth
UNITS = kg m-2 DESCRIPTION = Water Equivalent of Accumulated Snow Depth
DATE = 2020-01-26_00:00:00 FCST = 0.000000
SOURCE = unknown model and orig center
LEVEL = 200100.000000
I,J DIMS = 288, 145
REF_X, REF_Y = 1.000000, 1.000000
REF_LAT, REF_LON = 90.000008, 0.000000
DLAT, DLON = -1.250000, 1.250000
EARTH_RADIUS = 6367.470215
UNITS = m DESCRIPTION = Physical Snow Depth
DATE = 2020-01-26_00:00:00 FCST = 0.000000
SOURCE = unknown model and orig center
LEVEL = 200100.000000
I,J DIMS = 288, 145
REF_X, REF_Y = 1.000000, 1.000000
REF_LAT, REF_LON = 90.000008, 0.000000
DLAT, DLON = -1.250000, 1.250000
EARTH_RADIUS = 6367.470215
想要知道更详细的信息,可以用NCL的filedump看一看:ncl_filedump JRA55/land/anl_land125.065_snwe.2020010100_2020013118.grib
file global attributes:
initial_time0_hours = 124
g0_lat_1 = 145
g0_lon_2 = 288
float SnWe_GDS0_SFC ( initial_time0_hours, g0_lat_1, g0_lon_2 )
sub_center : 241
center : Japanese Meteorological Agency - Tokyo (RSMC)
long_name : Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth
units : kg/m^2
_FillValue : 1e+20
level_indicator : 1
gds_grid_type : 0
parameter_table_version : 200
parameter_number : 65
forecast_time : 0
forecast_time_units : hours