create type state as enum('approved', 'declined');
create table Transactions(
id int,
country varchar(4),
state_enum state,
amount int,
trans_date date
Create table If Not Exists Chargebacks (
trans_id int,
trans_date date
insert into Transactions (id, country, state_enum, amount, trans_date) values ('101', 'US', 'approved', '1000', '2019-05-18');
insert into Transactions (id, country, state_enum, amount, trans_date) values ('102', 'US', 'declined', '2000', '2019-05-19');
insert into Transactions (id, country, state_enum, amount, trans_date) values ('103', 'US', 'approved', '3000', '2019-06-10');
insert into Transactions (id, country, state_enum, amount, trans_date) values ('104', 'US', 'declined', '4000', '2019-06-13');
insert into Transactions (id, country, state_enum, amount, trans_date) values ('105', 'US', 'approved', '5000', '2019-06-15');
Truncate table Chargebacks;
insert into Chargebacks (trans_id, trans_date) values ('102', '2019-05-29');
insert into Chargebacks (trans_id, trans_date) values ('101', '2019-06-30');
insert into Chargebacks (trans_id, trans_date) values ('105', '2019-09-18');
编写一个 SQL 查询,以查找每个月和每个国家/地区的信息:已批准交易的数量及其总金额、退单的数量及其总金额。
select * from transactions;
select * from chargebacks;
select id,country,state_enum ,amount,to_char(trans_date,'YYYY-MM') as month,0 as tag
from Transactions
where state_enum = 'approved';
select id,country,state_enum ,amount,to_char(c.trans_date,'YYYY-MM') as month, 1 as tag
from transactions t , chargebacks c
where =c.trans_id ;
with t1 as(
select id,country,state_enum ,amount,to_char(trans_date,'YYYY-MM') as month,0 as tag
from Transactions
where state_enum = 'approved'
union all
select id,country,state_enum ,amount,to_char(c.trans_date,'YYYY-MM') as month, 1 as tag
from transactions t , chargebacks c
where =c.trans_id
select month,country,
--在 PostgreSQL 中,不支持在聚合函数的参数中直接使用 IF 函数
count(case when state_enum='approved' and tag=0 then 1 else null end) as approved_count,
sum(case when state_enum='approved' and tag=0 then amount else 0 end) as approved_amount,
count(case when tag=1 then 1 else null end) as chargeback_count,
sum(case when tag=1 then amount else 0 end) as chargeback_amount
from t1
group by month,country
order by month;