Effective C++

GitHub – taeguk/Effective-Cpp-Series: My example and experimental source codes about books of Effective C++ Series, “Effective C++ 3/E” and “Effective Modern C++” by Scott Meyers.

C++ Basic

C++ Union

Using constenuminline instead of #define

Using const whenever possible

Make sure init before use

Constructor,Destructor, Assignment op

Silent functions in class

Explicitly delete silent functions

Virtual destructors in polymorphic

Nonthrow destructors

No virtual call in construction and destruction

Operator= return *this

Operator= handle self-assignment

Deep copy when copy

Resource Management

Using resource-managing class

Copying resource-managing class

Access raw in resource-managing class

Same form in new and delete

Standalone statement when smart pointers


Make interface to easy use

Design class as type

Pass by const reference instead of value

Dont return reference

Make data member private

Non-member instead of member function

Non-member function when type conversion

Non-throw swap


Postpone variable definitions

Consider casting

Avoid return handles of object internals

Strive for exception safe


Compilation dependency

Inheritance and OOP

Public inheritance means is-a

Avoid hiding base class through overwrite

Interface extend and implementation extend

Alternative virtual

Never redefine non-virtual from base class

Never redefine default parameters

Composition means has-a or implement-of

Private inheritance means implement-of

  • when implement-of is using protected member, consider private inheritance

Multiple inheritance

Template & Generic Programming

Implicit interface and compile-time polymoriphism

Using typename

  • using typename means it is a type not others
    • typename Class::Type_t

Templatized base class

Template Parameter

Member function template

Non-member function to cast

  • member function can not conversion the caller’s type, while non-member function can

Traits class

Meta programming

New & Delete







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