本文介绍: 整理下近期被Apple 残忍虐待的结果


Guideline 1.4.1 – Safety – Physical Harm

Guideline 2.1 – Information Needed:

Guideline 2.1 – Information Needed:

整理下近期被 Apple 残忍虐待的成果。

ps: 可以提供一个视频链接建议微软的OneDrive审核员方便点。国内那些个地址需要登录,需要登录才能看视频场景,同样会被拒 

Guideline 1.1 – Safety – Objectionable Content

Guideline 1.1 – Safety – Objectionable Content

We found that your submission includes content or concepts that are not appropriate for the App Store.

Specifically, your apps metadata or binary include inappropriate references to the COVID-19 pandemic. Users rely on the App Store to find apps providing essential medical services and safety information. To help users easily locate this content, only apps from recognized institutions providing essential services should reference the pandemic in their metadata and binary.

Next Steps

It would be appropriate to revise your submission, including the app binary and any associated metadata, and remove all direct references to the COVID-19 pandemic.



Guideline 1.4.1 – Safety – Physical Harm

Your app provides medical diagnoses or treatment advice but does not include the required medical disclaimer.

Next Steps

Please revise your app‘s description to include a disclaimer reminding users to seek a doctor’s advice in addition to using this app and before making any medical decisions.

Once you have made the appropriate changes to your app’s description, please reply to this message in App Store Connect, and we will continue with the review.



ps :该免责申明除了在APP展现外,还需在APP描述里面展现,否则仍有被拒的风险 

Guideline 2.1 – Information Needed

Before we can complete our review of your app, we need a video that demonstrates the current version, 1.0.1, in use on a physical iOS device.

Specifically, we need a demo video that shows the use of background audio. The provided demo video cannot access for more than 1 minute due to not logging in.

The demo video should:

– Show your app running on a physical iOS device, not on a simulator.

– Clearly documents all relevant app features, services, and user permission requests.

Next Steps

Provide a link to the video in the App Review Information section of your app’s page in App Store Connect and reply to this message. You can use a screen recorder to capture footage of your app in use. Note that if your app can only be reviewed with a demo video, you’ll need to provide an updated demo video for every app submission.



Guideline 2.1 – Information Needed

We have started our review, but we need additional information to continue. Specifically, it appears your app may access or include paid digital content or services, and we want to understand your business model before completing our review.

Next Steps

Please review the following questions and provide as much detailed information about your business model as you can.

1. Who are the users that will use the paid content, subscriptions, features, and services in the app?

2. Where can users purchase the content, subscriptions, features, and services that can be accessed in the app?

3. What specific types of previously purchased content, subscriptions, features, and services can a user access in the app?

4. What paid content, subscriptions, or features are unlocked within your app that do not use in-app purchase?

5. How do users obtain an account? Do users have to pay a fee to create an account?

6. Which feature of your app needs access to background audio and voip? Where can users locate this feature? Please provide more details and a demo video is preferred if necessary.


说你的APP存在 虚拟类的交易性质。详细的回复你的项目流程场景即可

Guideline 2.1 – Performance – App Completeness

Your app or its metadata does not appear to include complete and final content. Specifically, your app includes placeholder content in homepage.

App Store users expect the apps they download to be ready for public use. Apps on the store shouldn’t include placeholder or incomplete content or information.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please revise your app and metadata so that all of its content is complete and final.

For example:

– Your app binary or metadata should not includelorem ipsumtext.

– App metadata should not include placeholder screenshots, such as “screenshot coming soon.”

- Provide an engaging app description that highlights the features and functionality of your app.



Guideline 2.5.2 – Performance – Software Requirements

During review, your app installed or launched executable code, which is not permitted on the App Store. Specifically, your app uses the itms-services URL scheme to connect to pgyer.com, which may allow for installations or updating of the app.

The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.

Next Steps

– Remove any reference to itms-services URL schemes from your app.

– Review the Software Requirements section of the App Store Review Guidelines.

– Ensure your app is compliant with all sections of the App Store Review Guidelines and the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program.

– Once your app is fully compliant, resubmit your app for review.



Guideline 2.5.4 – Performance – Software Requirements

Your app declares support for VoIP in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist, but it does not include any Voice over IP services.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please revise your app to either add VoIP features or remove the “voip” setting from the UIBackgroundModes key.

We recognize that VoIP can providekeep alivefunctionality that is useful for many app features. However, using VoIP in this manner is not the intended purpose of VoIP.


项目支持后台运行VoIP,在info.plist 上有展示,但是他们知道你怎么使用的。两种方案:

1、删除相对应的info.plist key。  

Guideline 4.2.3 – Design – Minimum Functionality

We were required to install the WeChat app before we could log in via WeChat. Users should be able to log in with WeChat and access their accounts without having to install any additional apps.

Next Steps

If you would like to offer authentication through WeChat, please use a mechanism that allows users to log in with WeChat from within your app without first having to install an additional app.

We recommend implementing the Safari View Controller API to display web content within your app. The Safari View Controller allows the display of a URL and inspection of the certificate from an embedded browser in an app so that customers can verify the webpage URL and SSL certificate to confirm they are entering their sign in credentials into a legitimate page.

Guideline 4.8 – Design – Sign in with Apple

Your app uses a third-party login service, but does not offer Sign in with Apple. Apps that use a third-party login service for account authentication need to offer Sign in with Apple to users as an equivalent option.

Next Steps

Please revise your app to offer Sign in with Apple as an equivalent option for account authentication.



Guideline 5.1.1(v) – Data Collection and Storage

Guideline 5.1.1(v) – Data Collection and Storage

We noticed that your app supports account creation but does not appear to include an option to initiate account deletion.

Apps that support account creation must also offer account deletion to give App Store users more control of the data they’ve shared while using your app.

Next Steps

If your app already supports account deletion, reply to this message and let us know how to locate this feature. If your app does not support account deletion, revise your app to include an option to initiate account deletion.

If you are unable to offer account deletion or need to provide additional customer service flows to facilitate and confirm account deletion, either because your app operates in a highly-regulated industry or for some other reason, reply to this message in App Store Connect and provide additional information or documentation. If you have questions regarding your legal obligations, check with your legal counsel.

Keep these requirements in mind when updating your app to support account deletion:

– Only offering to temporarily deactivate or disable an account is insufficient.

– If users need to visit a website to finish deleting their account, include a link directly to the page on your website where they can complete the process.

– You may include confirmation steps to prevent users from accidentally deleting their account. However, only apps in highly-regulated industries may require users to use customer service resources, such as making a phone call or sending an email, to complete account deletion.


支持注册账号,那就要支持账号的注销。新增一个账号注销功能或者提供对应的注销功能引导视频截图指引(图片 组图尽可能顺序命名要能详细的表述操作指引的)。

Guideline 5.2.5 – Legal – Intellectual Property

Your app does not comply with the Guidelines for Using Apple’s Trademarks and Copyrights. Specifically, your app includes:

– iPad in the app name or subtitle in an inappropriate manner

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, please revise your app and its metadata to address these trademark issues.

Please see attached screenshot for details.


就是说你的APP名称logo 和别人的太相似了。调整下就好了。

ps: 如果你是一套代码,但是发布两个APP,分别上线iOS和iPad。则需要在名称和logo上加一个HD或者其他便于区分的角标即可 


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