$ cmake --build . -t pypangolin_pip_install这步就报错

make: *** 没有规则可制作目标pypangolin_pip_install”。 停止。

参考No Target pypangolin_pip_install #694提到
I uninstalled and reinstalled cmake (in version this time 3.22) andcmake …’ without even using -DPYTHON-DIR flag it find the python by itself !
Maybe put a message in the README to warn that the cmake version have to be at least > 3.12.

  1. 可以按照How to upgrade cmake in Ubuntu [duplicate]重装cmake 3.23.1(注意 Warning – Do not do step 2 if you have Robot Operating System (ROS) installed,即,不要remove旧版本cmake)
  2. $ sudo pip install --upgrade cmake==3.22.0更方便


# Configure and build
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ cmake --build .

$ cmake --build . --target pypangolin_pip_install

再参考No rule to make target ‘pypangolin_pip_install’ #719中提到
Pangolin relies on PyBind11 for interfacing to python, so the first step in getting Pangolin going with Python is in making sure that PyBind11 is setup correctly (either with Pangolins submodule, or through your package manager).

即,需要装 PyBind11 ,参考Ubuntu pybind11教程可以成功安装
再来一次删除build文件夹重新build,就可以成功执行$ cmake --build . --target pypangolin_pip_install
github上的步骤没有,但是参考两篇CSDN博客( Ubuntu18.04配置ORB SLAM3【算法】跑ORB-SLAM2遇到的问题、解决方法、效果展示(环境:Ubuntu18.04+ROS melodic))都要执行$ sudo make install以安装pangolin
然后$ ctest,报

No test configuration file found!
  ctest [options]

但是按Ubuntu18.04配置ORB SLAM3,这不影响代码运行


pangolin could not be found because dependency Eigen3 could not be found

【在ROS下编译ORB_SLAM2遇到错误,】pangolin could not be found because dependency Eigen3 could not be found指出并非是Eigen的原因,而是Pangolin的版本过高,要重新安装0.5的版本
但装pangolin 0.5仍会报错

make: *** 没有规则可制作目标pypangolin_pip_install”。 停止。



  1. stevenlovegrove/Pangolin
  2. No Target pypangolin_pip_install #694
  3. How to upgrade cmake in Ubuntu [duplicate]
  4. No rule to make target ‘pypangolin_pip_install’ #719
  5. Ubuntu pybind11教程
  6. Ubuntu18.04配置ORB SLAM3
  7. 【算法】跑ORB-SLAM2遇到的问题、解决方法、效果展示(环境:Ubuntu18.04+ROS melodic)
  8. 【在ROS下编译ORB_SLAM2遇到错误,】pangolin could not be found because dependency Eigen3 could not be found


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