
How to set a certain port in Ubuntu so that only specified mac addresses can be accessed. Use pycharm or vscode to connect remotely and limit access to the mac address on the client.

To set up a specific port on an Ubuntu system so that only specified MAC addresses can access it, you’ll need to employ a combination of firewall rules and network configuration. Here’s a stepby-step guide to achieve this:

  1. Install and Configure Firewall (UFW or iptables):

  2. Allow Specific MAC Addresses:

  3. Deny All Other Access:

  4. Save the iptables Rules:

  5. Connect Remotely Using PyCharm or VSCode:

  6. Testing the Configuration:

Please note that MAC addresses can be spoofed, so relying solely on MAC address filtering for security is not recommended. It should be part of a layered security approach. Additionally, MAC address filtering is most effective in a controlled environment, such as a local network, and is not usually applicable for internetfacing services.


so relying solely on MAC address filtering for security is not recommended. , how to solve that

To enhance the security of your Ubuntu server beyond just relying on MAC address filtering, you can implement a multilayered security approach. Here are some additional measures you can take:

  1. Use Strong Authentication Methods:

  2. Network Level Security:

  3. Firewall Configuration:

  4. Regular Updates and Patches:

  5. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems:

  6. Endpoint Protection:

  7. Limit User Access and Privileges:

  8. Monitoring and Logging:

  9. Secure Application Deployment:

  10. Backup and Recovery:

Implementing these measures will significantly increase the security of your server and reduce the risk of unauthorized access. Remember, no single security measure is foolproof, but a combination of practices greatly enhances overall security.


how to realize it ,mplement SSH key-based authentication instead of password-based authentication for SSH access.

Implementing SSH key-based authentication instead of password-based authentication involves a few steps. Here’s a guide to set it up on an Ubuntu server:

On the Client Side

  1. Generate SSH Key Pair:

  2. Copy the Public Key to the Server:

On the Server Side

  1. Disable Password Authentication:

  2. Restart SSH Service:


  1. Test the SSH Key Authentication:

Important Notes

Implementing SSH key-based authentication significantly enhances the security of your SSH access by relying on cryptographic keys rather than just passwords.

zh part


To set up a specific port on an Ubuntu system so that only specified MAC addresses can access it, you’ll need to employ a combination of firewall rules and network configuration. Here’s a step-by-step guide to achieve this:要在 Ubuntu 系统设置特定端口以便只有指定的 MAC 地址可以访问它,您需要结合使用防火墙规则网络配置。以下是实现目标的分步指南

  1. Install and Configure Firewall (UFW or iptables):安装配置防火墙(UFW 或 iptables):

  2. Allow Specific MAC Addresses:允许特定 MAC 地址

  3. Deny All Other Access:拒绝所有其他访问:

  4. Save the iptables Rules:保存 iptables 规则

  5. Connect Remotely Using PyCharm or VSCode:使用 PyCharm 或 VSCode 远程连接

  6. Testing the Configuration:测试配置:

Please note that MAC addresses can be spoofed, so relying solely on MAC address filtering for security is not recommended. It should be part of a layered security approach. Additionally, MAC address filtering is most effective in a controlled environment, such as a local network, and is not usually applicable for internetfacing services.请注意,MAC 地址可能会被欺骗,因此不建议仅依靠 MAC 地址过滤来确保安全。它应该分层安全方法的一部分。此外,MAC 地址过滤在受控环境例如本地网络)中最有效,并且通常不适用于面向互联网服务



so relying solely on MAC address filtering for security is not recommended. , how to solve that因此,不建议仅依靠 MAC 地址过滤来确保安全。 ,怎么解决

To enhance the security of your Ubuntu server beyond just relying on MAC address filtering, you can implement a multi-layered security approach. Here are some additional measures you can take:为了增强 Ubuntu 服务器安全性,而不仅仅是依赖 MAC 地址过滤,您可以实施多层安全方法。您可以采取以下一些额外措施

  1. Use Strong Authentication Methods:使用身份验证方法
  2. Network Level Security:网络安全
  3. Firewall Configuration:防火墙配置:
  4. Regular Updates and Patches:定期更新和补丁:
  5. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems:入侵检测和预防系统
  6. Endpoint Protection:端点保护
  7. Limit User Access and Privileges:限制用户访问和权限
  8. Monitoring and Logging:监控记录
  9. Secure Application Deployment:安全应用程序部署
  10. Backup and Recovery:备份恢复

Implementing these measures will significantly increase the security of your server and reduce the risk of unauthorized access. Remember, no single security measure is foolproof, but a combination of practices greatly enhances overall security.实施这些措施将显着提高服务器安全性并降低未经授权访问的风险。请记住没有任何一种安全措施是万无一失的,但实践组合可以大大增强整体安全性

实施基于 SSH 密钥的身份验证而不是基于密码身份验证涉及几个步骤。以下是在 Ubuntu 服务器设置它的指南

On the Client Side客户端

  1. Generate SSH Key Pair:生成 SSH 密钥对:
  2. Copy the Public Key to the Server:将公钥复制服务器

On the Server Side服务器端

  1. Disable Password Authentication:禁用密码验证
  2. Restart SSH Service:重新启动 SSH 服务


  1. Test the SSH Key Authentication


    测试 SSH 密钥身份验证

Important Notes重要笔记

Implementing SSH key-based authentication significantly enhances the security of your SSH access by relying on cryptographic keys rather than just passwords.实施基于 SSH 密钥的身份验证可通过依赖加密密钥而不仅仅是密码来显着增强 SSH 访问的安全性






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