本文介绍: PackagepaleobioDBpaleobioDB 包在2020年已经停止更新,该包依赖PBDB v1 API。可以选择在下载安装包后,执行本地安装。

Package paleobioDB version 0.7.0

paleobioDB 包在2020年已经停止更新,该包依赖PBDB v1 API。

可以选择在Index of /src/contrib/Archive/paleobioDB (r-project.org)下载安装包后,执行本地安装。


pbdb_ref_occurrences (...)


参数【…】: 可通过 API 调用的参数。所有可用参数详见 PBDB Data Service: Bibliographic references for fossil occurrences





options(RCurlOptions = list(cainfo = system.file("CurlSSL", "cacert.pem", package = "RCurl")))

pbdb_ref_occurrences (vocab="pbdb", 
base_name="Canis", year=2000)
    reference_no record_type ref_type author1init author1last
1:1        10946   reference      occ          A.     Forsten
1:2        13150   reference      occ          M.     Mazzini
1:3         2940   reference      occ       K. L.      Rogers
2          67162   reference      occ          L.    Werdelin
    author2init author2last pubyr
1:1          S.    Sharapov  2000
1:2          V.    Borselli  2000
1:3       C. A.   Repenning  2000
2         M. E.       Lewis  2000
1:1                                                                  Fossil equids (Mammalia, Equidae) from the Neogene and Pleistocene of Tadzhikistan
1:2 Poggiorosso: un importante arrichimento delle faune villafranchiane a vertebrati del Valdarno Superiore, di eta prossima al limite Plio-Pleistocene
1:3                                                              Geologic history, stratigraphy, and paleontology of SAM Cave, north-central New Mexico
2                                                                                         Carnivora from the South Turkwel Hominid Site, Northern Kenya
                                            pubtitle pubvol pubno
1:1                                    Geodiversitas     22     2
1:2 Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana     39     3
1:3                               New Mexico Geology     22     4
2                            Journal of Paleontology     74     6
    firstpage lastpage publication_type                otherauthors
1:1       293      314  journal article                        <NA>
1:2       381      388  journal article     E. Cioppi, G. Napoleone
1:3        89      117  journal article F. G. Luiszer, R. D. Benson
2        1173     1180  journal article                        <NA>
1:1     <NA>
1:2  Italian
1:3  English
2    English


function (...) 
    l <- list(...)
    .pbdb_query("occs/refs", query = l)


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