// Things.h
// 12.04 ClassExtension
// Created by Waqar Malik on 3/27/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface Things : NSObject
@property (assign) NSInteger thing1;
@property (readonly, assign) NSInteger thing2;
- (void)resetAllValues;
/*@interface Things () //类扩展特点1+特点2;
NSInteger thing4; //类扩展特点3:添加一个名为thing4的实例变量,该实例变量具有私有属性,即:即使类扩展定义在.h文件中,things4仍然无法在main文件中被访问。
@property (readwrite, assign) NSInteger thing2; //类扩展特点4:在类扩展(类别)中修改的属性,仅在本文件中起作用;如:main函数中thing2属性仍为只读属性。
@property (assign) NSInteger thing3; //在类扩展(类别)中修添加的实例变量,也仅在本文件中起作用;如:main函数中thing3不可见。
// Things.m
// 12.04 ClassExtension
// Created by Waqar Malik on 3/27/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#import "Things.h"
@interface Things ()
NSInteger thing4; //类扩展作用1:添加一个名为thing4的实例变量
@property (readwrite, assign) NSInteger thing2; //在类扩展(类别)中修改的属性,仅在本文件中起作用;如:main函数中thing2属性仍为只读属性。
@property (assign) NSInteger thing3; //在类扩展(类别)中修添加的实例变量,也仅在本文件中起作用;如:main函数中thing3不可见。
@implementation Things
@synthesize thing1;
@synthesize thing2;
@synthesize thing3;
- (void)resetAllValues
self.thing1 = 200;
self.thing2 = 300;
self.thing3 = 400;
thing4 = 5;
- (NSString *) description
NSString *desc = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%d %d %d %d",
thing1, thing2, thing3,thing4];
return (desc);
} // description
// main.m
// ClassExtension
// Created by Waqar Malik on 3/27/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "Things.h"
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
Things *things = [[Things alloc] init];
things.thing1 = 1;
// things.thing2 = 2; //Assignment to readonly property
//things.thing3 = 2; //Property 'thing3' not found on object of type 'Things *'
//things.thing4=3; //Property 'thing4' not found on object of type 'Things *'; 私有化了
NSLog(@"%@", things);
[things resetAllValues];
NSLog(@"%@", things);
return 0;