本文介绍: HTML——基础、HTML——文本、HTML——多媒体、CSS从入门到精通——基础知识、CSS从入门到精通——基础选择器、CSS从入门到精通——背景样式、CSS入门到精通——表格样式、CSS从入门到精通——盒模型




1.初识HTML: 简单的Hello World网页制作

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    <title>Hello world</title>

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    <h1 align="center">Hello World</h1>
    <p align="center">动手改变世界</p>
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    <h1 align="center">自我简介</h1>


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    <meta name="description" content="HTML链接知识讲解">
    <meta name="keywords" content="HTML, Link">
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    <h1>HTML 入门</h1>
        <li><a href="#toc1">简介</a></li>
        <li><a href="#toc2">第1关</a></li>
        <li><a href="#toc3">第2关</a></li>

    <h2 id="toc1">简介</h2>
        <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML" target="_blank">HTML</a>(Hypertext Markup Language,超文本标记语言)是一种用于创建Web页面和Web应用的标准化标记语言。在
        <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS" target="_blank">CSS</a>(Cascading Style Sheets,级联样式表单)和
        <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript" target="_blank">JavaScript</a>的帮助下,HTML已经成功构建了一整套面向Web的开发应用平台。</p>
    <h2 id="toc2">第1关</h2>
    <p>初识HTML:简单的Hello World网页</p>
    <h2 id="toc3">第2关</h2>
    <p>若需帮助,请发送问题到<a href="mailto:someone@email.com">E-Mail</a>。</p>
    <p><a href="#">回到顶部</a></p>
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    <title>HTML – 维基百科</title>
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        <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markup_language" title="Markup language" target="_blank">标记语言</a>。 在级联样式表单(CSS)和JavaScript的帮助下,HTML已经成功构建了一整套面向Web的开发应用平台<sup><a href="#ref1">[1]</a></sup>。
    <p>1980年,物理学家<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Berners-Lee" title="Tim Berners-Lee" target="_blank">Tim Berners-Lee</a>,
        <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CERN" title="CERN" target="_blank">CERN</a>的一位项目负责人,提出并实现了<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ENQUIRE" title="ENQUIRE" target="_blank">ENQUIRE</a>系统。该系统的目的是为CERN研究人员提供一种使用分享文档。1989年, Berners-Lee写了一个备忘录,提出了基于Internet-based
        <strong>超文本系统</strong><sup><a href="#ref2">[2]</a></sup>。
        <dd>HTML2.0发布,对应的IETF文档为<a class="external mw-magiclink-rfc" rel="nofollow" href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1866" target="_blank">RFC 1866</a>。</dd>
        <dd>HTML 3.2以
            <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W3C_Recommendation" class="mw-redirect" title="W3C Recommendation" target="_blank">
                <abbr title="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</abbr>推荐标准</a>的形式发布。 随后的HTML标准都由W3C组织发布。</dd>
        <dd>HTML 4.0发布<sup><a href="#ref3">[3]</a></sup>。</dd>
        <dd>HTML5 发布。</dd>
        <dd>HTML 5.1发布。</dd>

            <li id='ref1'>Flanagan, David. <i>JavaScript - The definitive guide</i> (6 ed.). p. 1. "JavaScript is part of the triad of technologies that all Web developers must learn: HTML to specify the content of web pages, CSS to specify the presentation of web pages, and JavaScript to specify the behaviour of web pages."</li>
            <li id="ref2">Tim Berners-Lee, "Information Management: A Proposal." CERN (March 1989, May 1990). </li>
            <li id="ref3">"HTML 4.0 Specification — W3C Recommendation — Conformance: requirements and recommendations". World Wide Web Consortium. December 18, 1997. Retrieved July 6, 2015.</li>
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        <thead scope="col">
            <!-- 表格头部 -->
                <th align="left">消费项目</th>
                <th align="right">一月</th>
                <th align="right">二月</th>
            <!-- 表格主体 -->
                <th align="left" scope="row">食品烟酒</th>
                <td align="right">¥1241.00</td>
                <td align="right">¥1250.00</td>
                <th align="left" scope="row">衣物</th>
                <td align="right">¥330.00</td>
                <td align="right">¥594.00</td>
                <th align="left" scope="row">居住</th>
                <td align="right">¥2100</td>
                <td align="right">¥2100</td>
                <th align="left" scope="row">生活用品及服务</th>
                <td align="right">¥700.00</td>
                <td align="right">¥650.00</td>
                <th align="left" scope="row">医疗保健</th>
                <td align="right">¥150.00</td>
                <td align="right">¥50.00</td>
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                <td align="right">¥1030.00</td>
                <td align="right">¥1250.00</td>
                <th align="left" scope="row">交通通信</th>
                <td align="right">¥230.00</td>
                <td align="right">¥650.00</td>
                <th align="left" scope="row">其他用品和服务</th>
                <td align="right">¥130.40</td>
                <td align="right">¥150.00</td>

            <!-- 表格尾部 -->
            <tr >
                <th align="left" scope="row">总计</th>
                <td align="right">¥5911</td>
                <td align="right">¥6694</td>
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    <title>HTML - 图片</title>
    <img src="https://www.educoder.net/attachments/download/171680/1.jpg" alt="食材准备" width="400">
            <img src="https://www.educoder.net/attachments/download/171681/3.gif" alt="步骤1" width="200"></li>
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    <small><p>转自<a href="https://www.xiachufang.com/recipe/102430733/">下厨房-酸辣藕带</a></p></small>
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    <title>HTML - 音频</title>

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    <h1 align="center">青石巷</h1>
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        <source src="https://www.educoder.net/attachments/download/171679/青石巷.mp3" type="audio/mp3"/>
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        你的浏览器不支持该音频格式。 Your browser does not support this audio format.
    <p align="center" style="color:grey;">HTML5 audio 播放示例</p>
    <p align="center" style="color:grey;"><small>注意:音频控件显示效果在不同浏览器中有些许差别。</small></p>
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    <title>HTML - 视频</title>

    <h1 align="center">扬帆起航</h1>
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        <object data="./video/Sail-Away.mp4" width="320" height="240">
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            你的浏览器不支持该视频格式。Your browser does not support this video format.
    <p align="center" style="color:grey;">HTML5 video 播放示例</p>
    <p align="center" style="color:grey;"><small>注意:视频控件显示效果在不同浏览器中有些许差别。</small></p>

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    <p>使用CSS(Cascading Style Sheets),可以使网页样式更加的丰富多彩,它解决内容与表现分离的问题提高工作效率。</p>
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        <img src="https://www.educoder.net/attachments/download/170157" width="300" height="175" alt="Blue Flax (Linum lewisii)" />
        <p>O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the <em>steady keel</em>, the vessel grim and daring;</p>
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        <p><small font-size="10px" color="lightslategray">&amp;copy; Walt Whitman</small></p>
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