20240202在WIN10下使用fast whisper缺少cudnn_ops_infer64_8.dll
2024/2/2 10:48
Could not locate cudnn_ops_infer64_8.dll. Please make sure it is in your library path!解决办法
c:faster-whisper-webui>python cli.py –model large-v2 –vad silero-vad –language Japanese –output_dir c:faster-whisper-webuiwhisper_model c:faster-whisper-webuiDownloadstest.mp4
Using faster-whisper for Whisper
[Auto parallel] Using GPU devices None and 8 CPU cores for VAD/transcription.
Creating whisper container for faster-whisper
Using parallel devices: None
Created Silerio model
Parallel VAD: Executing chunk from 0 to 74.072 on CPU device 0
Loaded Silerio model from cache.
Getting timestamps from audio file: c:faster-whisper-webuiDownloadstest.mp4, start: 0, duration: 74.072
Processing VAD in chunk from 00:00.000 to 01:14.072
VAD processing took 6.546280500013381 seconds
Transcribing non-speech:
[{‘end’: 75.0716875, ‘start’: 0.0}]
Parallel VAD processing took 15.04769109992776 seconds
Device None (index 0) has 1 segments
(get_merged_timestamps) Using override timestamps of size 1
Processing timestamps:
[{‘end’: 75.0716875, ‘start’: 0.0}]
Running whisper from 00:00.000 to 01:15.072 , duration: 75.0716875 expanded: 0 prompt: None language: None
Loading faster whisper model large-v2 for device None
WARNING: fp16 option is ignored by faster-whisper – use compute_type instead.
Could not load library cudnn_ops_infer64_8.dll. Error code 126
Please make sure cudnn_ops_infer64_8.dll is in your library path!
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